2010년 9월 10일 금요일

Komidori to Hu Guohua gave birth to a son

Komidori to Hu Guohua gave birth to a son, named Hu Yunxuan, Hu Yunxuan time in 17 years, to the provincial capital of the Church of England school, young people active, unrestrained personality, while contact with a number of revolutionary thought christian louboutin the impact of systemic blood boiling, dreaming every night riot in the revolution, then ran away from home, they go to the revolutionary Yan'an.
since Hu Yunxuan joined the army, until the founding of the PRC, the Huaihe River, when the battle has become three field The regiment six vertical head, the arrival of the south with the army after the battle, around the house are safe in the christian louboutin shoes South.
then there was me, I was born and time is very clever too, are catching up on August 1 Army Day, the father give me the name Hu Jianjun, when the results on a look of a kindergarten class on the 78 called for army, too many duplicate names, so give me change of a name, br> My grandfather Hu Guohua said: head first fall of the brain, and then gradually dragged down, but also not very good with my parents came, he and my mother The couple have been isolated reviewed, and grandfather are also denounced and dragged through the streets monsters and freaks out when his great age, and old old arm, leg strength not live agonizing, not fighting back on the passing away of the two. He saw christian louboutin sale a lifetime of feng shui to other people, for the candidate cemetery, or to the cremation of his death, the impermanence of things is so.

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